Imagine that you develop a commercial library. Among other features, the library should allow consumers to embed a video player into their apps. But as an ads-driven company, you want to ensure ads are properly displayed in embedded video players as well. The library should not provide a way for consumers to tinker with internals, such as when and how ads are displayed, since consumers would most likely just disable them, causing you to lose revenue.

A natural step would be to limit the visibility of the sensitive code but that alone is not enough.

Both Java’s package-private modifier and Kotlin’s internal modifier provide a false sense of encapsulation and should not be used as a means to hide sensitive code since they do not really protect the code from being accessed by code outside of the specified scope.

Visibility modifiers recap

Let’s go through the basic theory, just for the sake of completeness.

Our goal is to protect the AdsManager class from being publicly accessed by consumers.

╰── src/main/java
    ╰── library
        ├── internal
        │   ├──
        │   ╰──
  public package-private private

It should not surprise anyone that the AdsManager itself can access all of its private, package-private, and public methods, regardless of whether they are declared static or not.

Similarly, it should be no surprise that other classes in the same package can access package-private methods and that no other classes can access private methods.

So far, everything seems to work as expected.


Even the private modifier—the most restrictive modifier—can be circumvented through the use of reflection, and the same technique can be used for other modifiers in the same way.

Method method = AdsManager.class.getDeclaredMethod("packagePrivateVisibility");

Let’s put reflection aside. It is very brittle in nature, requires great care, and, in reality, we don’t need to use reflection to get around package-private and internal modifiers.

Java’s package-private visibility

Problems arise in a multi-module environment, including any projects that use external libraries. As hinted previously, since our AdsManager class is package-private, we might assume that no code but ours can access it. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

╰── src/main/java
    ╰── library
        ╰── internal
package library.internal;

class Rogue {
    Rogue() {
        AdsManager.publicVisibility(); // ✅
        // Not even a warning
        AdsManager.packagePrivateVisibility(); // ✅
        // AdsManager.privateVisibility(); // ❌

By replicating the package hierarchy and placing a Rogue class there, it gained access to all package-private declarations of AdsManager, even though it is declared in a different module! This is called a package split, and it breaks the package-private modifier.

Kotlin’s internal visibility

Kotlin has given up the package-private modifier altogether, likely because the package-private visibility could be circumvented so easily. Instead, Kotlin came up with an internal modifier that limits the visibility to the same module rather than the package. It promotes developing code in a feature-by-feature modular fashion rather than a layer-by-layer monolithic fashion. Kotlin compiler throws a compilation error whenever Kotlin code attempts to access an internal declaration located in another module.

The internal modifier is, however, purely a construct of Kotlin language, and since neither Java nor JVM have a notion of internal visibility, this can be easily circumvented as well.

package library.internal;

class Rogue {
    Rogue() {
        AdsManagerKt.publicVisibility(); // ✅
        // Warning: Usage of Kotlin internal declaration from different module
        AdsManagerKt.internalVisibility(); // ✅
        // Error: 'privateVisibility()' has private access in 'library.internal.AdsManagerKt'
        // AdsManagerKt.privateVisibility(); // ❌

As a courtesy of IntelliJ-based IDEs, we get a friendly warning when we access internal declarations from Java code located in another module, but that’s about it regarding the support of the internal modifier in Java.

Java compiler will compile the code above just fine. That’s because all internal declarations are compiled with public visibility. The information about the internal visibility is stored only in the Metadata annotation attached to every compiled Kotlin class.

package library.internal

internal fun internalVisibility() = Unit
package library.internal;

import kotlin.Metadata;

    mv = {1, 7, 1},
    k = 2,
    xi = 2,
    d1 = {"\u0000\b\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0000\u001a\b\u0010\u0000\u001a\u00020\u0001H\u0000¨\u0006\u0002"},
    d2 = {"internalVisibility", "", "Playground.library.main"}
public final class AdsManagerKt {
    public static final void internalVisibility() {

Kotlin compiler uses the information stored in Metadata annotations (and perhaps the META-INF/<module name>.kotlin_module file too) to enforce internal visibility.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the bytecode that would prevent the Java compiler from accessing internal declarations, and the compiler will not even report this as a warning.

For the Java compiler, internal declarations are effectively public, which breaks the internal modifier.

Project Jigsaw

Kotlin’s internal modifier existed for a long time before its first stable release in 2016. Although I was not able to track down specific dates, it has likely been there since Kotlin’s inception in 2011. The internal modifier even used to be the default visibility modifier for quite some time if no modifier was stated explicitly, akin to Java’s package-private modifier.

The internal modifier was most likely an answer to a problem that the Java platform did not address in time. Years later, the Java platform eventually addressed the issue in the project Jigsaw, which finally saw release as a part of JDK 9.

Project Jigsaw added the concept of modules as a first-class citizen to the JVM. Using the file, we can specify what packages a module exports. In other words, anything not specified in the file will not be visible to other modules, even if it is marked as public.

This effectively achieves the same as what the internal modifier does. Moreover, since modules are natively supported by the JVM itself, it is available not only to Java but to all other languages running on the JVM as well.

In addition to checking access violations during the compilation, it is also better enforced at runtime. Any attempt to use reflection to make a package-private or private declaration accessible would yield an exception:

java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make static void library.internal.AdsManager.packagePrivateVisibility() accessible: module Playground.library does not “opens library.internal” to module Playground.consumer

Finally, the module system also verifies that the same package cannot be defined more than once across all modules in the application, preventing the package split trick discussed above.


Java’s module system introduced in Java 9 achieves a better encapsulation than Kotlin’s internal modifier. It also addresses some of the issues of the Java platform itself, such as package split or reflection.

Unfortunately, using Java 9 is not an option on some platforms, such as Android. With the rise of Kotlin in the Android ecosystem, there is only a minuscule chance that Google would invest in upgrading the Android platform to support Java 9.

Furthermore, I could not find a way to force consuming projects to use the module system and obey the visibility rules defined in Seemingly, because of the backward compatibility, the module system feature is opt-in, even if the consumer runs on Java 9. This leaves an open backdoor, and even with the module system in place, the visibility modifiers can still be circumvented.

That was only my observation, anyway. But just because I did not find a way does not mean there is no way. If I ever discover how to enforce the use of the module system, I will update this article too.